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br Reflexiones finales En el presente art culo
Reflexiones finales En el presente artículo hemos analizado a la Virgen de caacupé como proceso de construcción social identitaria. para ello hemos abordado el traslado y refundación de la devoción por parte de los migrantes paraguayos a la ciudad de San carlos de Bariloche. este proceso en tanto
En el primer momento se ubican sus
En el primer momento se ubican sus estudios sobre los estados burocrático autoritarios y los patrones de dominación. Cuestionó los fundamentos de la teoría de la modernización y del desarrollo político, la “tesis optimista” (que partía de considerar que entre mejor va un país en su economía, tiene m
El tenor de aquella declaratoria
El tenor de aquella declaratoria se escribió con estas palabras: De este modo, y al margen de otras consideraciones que pudieran hacerse al respecto, para el caso que nos ocupa es importante significar que la iniciativa mexicana acabó tapiando las puertas de la onu carnosic acid la España franquist
In most patients with MCL multi organ
In most patients with MCL, multi-organ involvement with organ damage is seen [2–5,10]. In most cases, the BM is the primary site of disease evolution [13]. However, only a smaller subset of patients with MCL present with circulating MC, and only very few cases present with rapidly increasing numbers
Our patient a year old woman arrived in
Our patient (a 24-year-old woman) arrived in Italy from Eastern Europe in March 2013 as an illegal immigrant. Three months later she was admitted to our hospital. Her blood counts were as follows: leukocytes 410.7×109/L, platelets 391×109/L, Hb 11g/dl, with immature myeloid BI 2536 Supplier at diff
In our opinion environmental pollution should
In our opinion, environmental pollution should be considered as a common risk factor for both dementia and schizophrenia. Studies are warranted to test this hypothesis, and if confirmed, the clinical implications could be of great importance for public and mental health. Future research, including l
The incidences of AF and AT have been
The incidences of AF and AT have been shown to be relatively high after minimally invasive AF surgery [18–20]. Edgerton et al. [18] demonstrated that order Mitomycin C freedom from AF or AT should be assessed by long-term monitoring. Kron et al. [19] showed that 40% of patients could undergo bilater
The patient underwent surgery on December
The patient underwent surgery on December 2, 2013. A 13 × 13 cm elastic lobulated yellowish tumor, arising from the upper jejunum with suspected local invasion into the transverse colon and mesentery, was detected intraoperatively. Thus, small bowel segmental resection and left hemicolectomy were pe
The diagnosis is very difficult
The diagnosis is very difficult on radiographical imaging alone as many tumours have similar radiological appearances to desmoplastic fibroma [2,7]. Biopsy is the gold standard method of determining the exact nature of any bony lesion as it provides a tissue diagnosis. The biopsy ideally should be p
Before the start of the study we expected referral of
Before the start of the study, we expected referral of up to 3% visceral leishmaniasis cases to the tertiary hospital for management of eventual complications. However, no referral was necessary because all adverse events were mild. Incidence of adverse events was about 47% during treatment and 63%
Worldwide there are an estimated specialist surgeons IQR
Worldwide, there are an estimated 1 112 727 specialist surgeons (IQR 1 059 158–1 177 912), 550 134 anaesthesiologists (529 008–572 916) and 483 357 obstetricians (456 093–517 638; ). Low-income and lower-middle-income countries, representing 48% of the global population, have 20% of this workforce,
Introduction Cancer therapy has evolved throughout the decad
Introduction Cancer therapy has evolved throughout the decades and is beginning to branch off into new and exciting fields including immunotherapy. The hope of this new field stems from the lack of success of chemotherapy in general. Chemotherapy\'s cytotoxic characteristics were regarded as one of
br Panels A to D show
Panels A to D show intracardiac recordings of the HRA extrastimuli with A1A2 intervals of 320−290ms at a basic CL of 600ms. The AV conduction intervals were increased gradually rather than suddenly, so that an Ae with an A2–V2–Ae sequence could be provoked only at 310ms and 300ms, followed by no A
Because of high suspicion of malignancy we
Because of high suspicion of malignancy, we chose endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) instead of MRI of the pancreas to detect the organic lesion that caused the distal CBD stricture because initial abdominal CT did not show any suspicious lesion in the pancreas. In addition, tissue sample could be obtained
The strengths of this definition are
The strengths of this definition are its simplicity and its usefulness in translating existing data into daily practice. The shortcomings of this definition include the lack of uniform criteria to suggest an impending fracture as well as the variable definitions of spinal cord histamine-2 receptor a
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