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Evidentemente como corriente socioeclesial heterog
Evidentemente, como corriente socioeclesial heterogénea, la tl adquirió particularidades en función de los lugares de reflexión y enunciación teológica. Para el caso que concierne hexokinase inhibition este artículo, es importante destacar que en países como Argentina, Nicaragua y El Salvador -donde
In WHO Task Force on Developing Health Systems Guidance prop
In 2012, WHO Task Force on Developing Health Systems Guidance proposed a series of processes and tools to support evidence-informed decisions about health system interventions. Many of the processes were adapted from clinical evidence-based medicine and an insightful commentary by Peters and Bennet
Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is the
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, and it commonly occurs after cardiac surgery. AF is often associated with stroke, congestive heart failure, and myocardial infarction, all of which contribute to the increase in the length of hospital stay, higher medical
In general we measured the
In general, we measured the GSK2126458 temperatures of 135 acupoints in healthy students. The skin temperatures of these acupoints had consistency at a narrow range of 34.88–36.14°C, but had differences among them arising in part from concentricity distribution to keep whole body warmness. Skin acu
Sultan et al retrospectively searched the surveillance epide
Sultan et al retrospectively searched the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (SEER) database for patients who were diagnosed with NPC from 1988 to 2006. They compared the clinical features and outcomes of 129 children and adolescents (n and young adults compared with older adults with nasop
As with any open label study
As with any open-label study, it is possible that a placebo effect may have contributed to patients analgesia after initiation of the therapy. A randomized placebo-controlled trial would be required to finally prove the high analgesic effect of the loading-dose treatment with Ibandronate in metastat
En su primera entrega para
En su primera entrega para “ en la pantalla” (3 de septiembre) Luis Cardoza establece matizadamente los parámetros sobre “la crítica” y lo que para él representa la cinematografía como expresión estética; los lineamientos observados de antemano explican sus continuas confrontaciones con el medio. Pu
Sin embargo no se puede hablar de etapas
Sin embargo, no se puede hablar de etapas delimitadas con absoluta precisión; la revista Simpleton, en 1998, en un artículo que aparece sin firma, apunta que en la década de los veinte no se ignoraba si ganaría la batalla de la prosa americana el adornado estilo de Fitzgerald o la musculosa dicción
Fashions are dangerous things But it
Fashions are dangerous things. But it phosphodiesterase inhibitor seems that global health is no ephemeral trend. Every year, the field grows stronger. The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) is a young organisation—its 2014 conference is only its fifth annual meeting. But in this sh
In an earlier study we used a questionnaire to assess
In an earlier study, we used a questionnaire to assess musculoskeletal pain in patients with CML who had achieved DMR (MR4.0) and discontinued TKI treatment, including IM, nilotinib, and dasatinib [5]. Nine out of the 27 patients surveyed developed musculoskeletal pain after discontinuing TKIs. In t
br As outlined in in October my vision for WHO
As outlined in in October, 2016, my vision for WHO can be summed up in five words: equity, rights, responsiveness, evidence, and partnership. In this order ibotenic acid context, I am pleased to respond to the authors of the open letter in , on the leadership role that WHO must play in tackling
Avasimibe TEE guidance can also be helpful during pulmonary
TEE guidance can also be helpful during pulmonary vein cryoablation for AF. Kerut et al. [9] described their first 20 cases of cryoablation for AF using TEE and found TEE to have better overall procedural imaging and monitoring for pericardial effusion or thrombus formation. They found TEE monitorin
Su acci n en Chiapas fracas no s lo
Su acción en Chiapas fracasó, no sólo por el rechazo que generó entre los encomenderos sino también entre los religiosos que apoyaban la encomienda en beneficio propio o bien como mecanismo de cristianización acelerado. Cuando Las Casas regresa autophagy pathway España, en lo que hace a su batalla d
Si los sicarios y sus
Si los sicarios y sus cárteles ejercen un oficio de tinieblas, donde “madrugar” es uno de los ejes rectores de un México violento, zafio, “kafkiano” y pulsante de impunidad, para Juan Villoro: Circunscrito por el crimen, la miseria y la muerte, el tema de una juventud cercada por la violencia es t
A partir de las consideraciones que distinguen
A partir de las consideraciones que distinguen la institucionalización formal e informal, O’Donnell hace un llamado renin inhibitor tener en cuenta las especificidades de las democracias de América Latina y plantea que algunas democracias han subsistido, se han mantenido en el tiempo aun con la pres
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